Managing highway maintenance and renewal with more confidence
First date: January 24, 2018 - London, UK
Ever increasing budgetary and traffic management pressures make it essential for those involved in highway maintenance and renewal on Motorways, Trunk Road and Local Authority networks to use the most suitable maintenance operations in dealing with highway problems and also to ensure the work is done correctly the first time and does not need to be repeated.
This new one-day course will show a wide range of problems and examines the strengths and limitations of various maintenance processes and techniques as possible solutions. It will also illustrate how to identify and deal with tar-based materials, learn how new asphalts should be laid and compacted to maximise durability and avoid additional costs.
Expect group exercises as part of the programme to practice dealing with real problems to avoid financial penalties.
Are you attending the ICE Transport Asset Management 2017? Delegates get an exclusive 10% discount on this course, request your code.