At number 5, Introduction to Project Management for Civil Engineers and Construction Professionals - preparation for the Project Fundamentals Qualification (APM PFQ formerly APM IC). This course will help individuals recognise the key aspects of a project and the importance of their role within it.
Number 4 is the Your Professional Review - Preparation and the Review Day - This course will help you prepare your submission and demonstrate competence at the Review day.
Number 3 is an eLearning that has been mapped to the ICE key attributes for Chartered and Incorporated Engineers and to the Technician Standards for Engineering Technicians. This is the Essential Project Management for Civil Engineers and Construction Professionals - preparation for the APM Project Management Qualification (APM PMQ formerly APMP).
Number 2, Principles of Construction Contracts - delivered through 8 succinct modules, this course will provide you with a broad overview of the concepts of construction contracts and the law.
And at number 1, CDM2015 eLearning: The Full Picture, Principles and Practice - a comprehensive online course will provide you with everything you need to know about the changes to the Regulations and the main HSE and industry guidance documents.
To book and view our current list of available eLearning courses, visit our website.