What's new?
The course will now also look at the importance of considering potential temporary works from the earliest stages of the project and will provide a key link between permanent works designers and those who coordinate and design major temporary works.
Temporary Works have traditionally been viewed as a Principal Contractor issue. However, the creation of the Principal Designer role in the CDM 2015 regulations has instigated a different set of responsibilities so this newest addition hopes to fill the void in information and be useful for the UK construction industry.
Upcoming training
CDM2015: The Principal Designer & Designer; demonstrating capability - April 26 - Birmingham - BOOK
Other CDM2015 training: Fundamentals of CDM2015 - April 12 - London - BOOK
Temporary Works training:
Temporary Works Coordinator Training Course - April 04-05 - London - BOOK
Temprary Works Coordination - April 11 - Birmingham - BOOK
Temporary Works (Above Ground) - London - BOOK
Temporary Works (Below Ground) - London - BOOK
For the complete March - April 2017 training, click here.